Hi Students!

Welcome to our course! Hoping you can find useful ideas for improving your level of English...



jueves, 16 de julio de 2009

Internet tools to get some practice for the TOEFL!

If you would like to practice English to improve your skills, there are many sites at the Internet that can assist you.

Go to:


Best luck on your test!!!

How to improve your speaking

This is probably the hardest thing to do, most of the time we have plenty knowledge of English but we are afraid of speaking. This is maybe because we are not sure about our pronunciation and we have an inner believe that if we speak we will be doing so in the wrong way.

Some hints to get into practice,

Use a dictionary to help you with pronunciation and stress.

Go to an Internet free page for guided speaking exercises such as www.mansioningles.com where you can improve your pronunciation.

Find out where you can talk to other speakers of English.

Read aloud!

Go to the next piece of advice!

Writing in English, is not too difficult!

If you would like to improve this skill you should practice. That is the best way to do it,

Think about the subject you would like to write about.

Get the main ideas you would like to express.

Decide if you would like to write a monography, a biography or other kind of document. Look up at the dictionary the meaning of this writing styles and take a decision!

Give to your ideas a logical order such as introduction, main topic and conclusions.

Do not forget to proofread your text before you finish. Look for mistakes in spelling, grammar, punctuation and so on.

Now you are ready to publicize your work and get a Pulitzer!

How to better comprehend what you read

You can collect things to read in English, could be a magazine, a newspaper... choose your favourite one!

Ask your parents to get a subscription for you in English so you regulary receive information of your interest.

Read the text in portions that you can manage, such as sentences or paragraphs. Underline what you think are the main ideas of the text. This information should answer the questions what, who, when, where, why, and how.

Once underlined the main ideas, give a second reading but just to the underlined text for complete comprehension of the document.

Few grammar good practices

Even though you may find it a little boring, you must get a grammar book. Look for one that is easy for you to use.

Listen to and read English as much as you can.

You can create a word log, a special place to gather words that have the same function: verbs or action words, adjectives, adverbs, nouns and so on. Keep it with you always so you can add a new word whenever you are!

How to develop listening skills

It is really easy but you need to set a special time to focus in speaking, it could be in class or at home.

Articles from magazines and newspapers are good reading, but you can compare the information by listening the same news about same or similar topics at the internet.

Upload radio newas podcast and listen, try the following one!

Go to http://www.imagen.com.mx

Do not forget to listen or watch your favourite TV programs in English!

Learning skills areas to learn English


If you would like to get a high score in the TOEFL test, you would better focus in the following areas:

Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.

This site will assist you to develop your skills in a very fun way!